Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Well, it's time to say farewell. Two blogs in the recommended reading list have sadly retired.

After lending beautifully poetic and well thought conversations over frosty beers, Trite Remarks has stood up, stretched his legs and meandered off to do other, probably more stimulating, projects.

And after what's seemed like far to many weeks of silence, our darling Bombshell got her coat out of check and blew us an air kiss goodbye.

Cheers to you both! And I'll boldly speak for everyone at our swank affair ('cause this is my blarg, anyway) when I say, all the best with your new endeavors, folks. You'll be dearly missed.

Now, having said that, and hopefully it doesn’t seem rude, I'll introduce two new kids who walked into the speakeasy:

Kristy, hailing from She Just Walks Around With It. Can I just introduce her as amusing? Ok, I don’t know anything about this knitting business, but she likes the martinis and the champagne and - let me just ask you - who could possibly relate to that?

And please meet The Assimilated Negro from none other than The Assimilated Negro. Mr. TAN lives in NY and partakes in that dastardly marketing business everyone loves to hate. What else? He's a musician, an artist, and did I mention negro? I could go on, but he is quite prolific when describing himself - I'll let him do the job for me.


A Noir approved She Walks sample

A Noir approved TAN sample


Blogger Charlie Loudowl said...

News of the death of triteremarks has been greatly exaggerated. Actually, I'll just pull a line from a friend which aptly describes my non-retiration (wow, that's so not a word): I've the willpower of a f***ing flea.

But, I return with a new attitude towards the whole thing which should enable me to both blog (albeit in a much more limited capacity), and immerse myself in more stimulating projects (portions of which I will be integrating into TR). Thanks for reading all this time - much appreciated.

5:57 PM  
Blogger Noir Muse said...

Trite, never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, eh?

I'm glad. I do so enjoy reading your blog. Best always.

12:03 PM  
Blogger greyguitar said...

Whew, good thing I finally posted last week after a week absence! I may have been on the edge of leaving your list too!

Regardless, I'm back in full force and I was your 3,333rd visitor! Is there a door prize?

6:52 PM  
Blogger mandy said...

Rob, are you still bummed that you didn't win a prize on my blog? ;)

3:03 PM  
Blogger greyguitar said...

My heart has been healing since that winless prize, Mandy. Again, I'll just settle for being in the record books. hah.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Noir Muse said...

*pinches an atom* Robin, you were this close, bro.

Not really…I gave you a ‘grad school’ extension. Plus, as the three thousand, three hundred thirty third visitor you’ll receive a semester’s tuition for free. Put it on my bill. :)

7:52 PM  
Blogger greyguitar said...

Awesome. I'm holding you to that!

Meanwhile, congrats on the 3,333+. Impressive stuff.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Noir Muse said...

Thanks for the congrats - however, I'm sure the visits are mostly from my mom. :)

4:34 PM  

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