Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Practice of Being Ordinary

About eight years ago, when I worked between classes as the lab supervisor at the university, an officemate handed me an essay on “The Practice of Being Ordinary.”

He told me he thought I would like it.

It's embarrassing to think about what happened next - I became fiercely upset at the suggestion that I could possibly be ordinary. I remember thinking something like: “I am the LAST thing from ordinary! I AM special goddamn it!”

(I was 18 at the time, so kill me.)

I happened to give it another chance about a year later. Now it's in my files under “Opportunity”

Ahhh, the precious moment when a no-one-special meanders into life and unintentionally makes an impression.

The Practice of Being Ordinary

This exercise is simply about noting how often we feel special, different or somehow set apart from those around us. It is an exercise that you can practice frequently as you go through your normal daily activities.

Several times a day, wherever you are, take a moment to examine your relationship to the people around you. Whether you are driving down the road, sitting in a meeting, in line at the supermarket, or with a group of friends, notice how you see yourself in relation to everyone else. Do you feel special, somehow different from everyone else? In what way? Do you feel more intelligent, more complex, harder to understand? Are you more introspective, more sensitive, somehow deeper than everyone else in line at the bank? Perhaps you feel more wounded, more insightful, or maybe you feel that you have more (or less) potential than everyone else.

Notice how often, and in which particular ways, you feel qualitatively set apart from your fellow humans. What feelings arise as you notice your “specialness?” How does it feel in your body? What are your impulses? Does it make you want to hide or go away? Or does it make you want intimacy or to somehow make contact?

Once you have examined the sensation of being “special,” take a moment to imagine the possibility that you may, in fact, be quite ordinary; that you are, in fact, nobody special. Imagine saying to that person next to you, “I am just like you. We are exactly the same. There is nothing special about me that sets me apart from you. I am as ordinary as they come.”

How easy (or difficult) is this to say? Where do you get caught? Ask yourself this question: What would I have to give up in order to be order to be ordinary, to be just like everyone else? Which unique or sacred gift, which special wound or talent do I use to prevent myself from truthfully admitting that I am not really special at all?

Watch yourself experiment with feeling ordinary. Notice the resistance, the discomfort, the fear, or uncertainty that arises. As you imagine being ordinary, nobody special, what possibilities arise? If you were, in fact, nobody special, what would you do today? If you were released from the burden and responsibility of being exceptionally unique, and could simply be an ordinary human being, how would you feel free to act? What normal, unexceptional activities would you enjoy today?

Allow yourself to play with the freedom that comes from being ordinary and nobody special. The pressure is off. You can relax. Nothing special is expected of you. Nobody is watching. Why should they? You are just an ordinary child of the earth. Perfectly unexceptional, perfect just as you are.

-- Wayne Muller


Blogger Latigo Flint said...

So in other words Blonde and Tuco should abandon their quest for the gold just because a fierce battle for possession of a bridge blocks their path? They should turn around, go to a cantina and order frijoles and ale along with everyone else?

No! I am frightened of this exercise. It widens my eyes and knots my stomach. I won't read Wayne's essay again.

1:04 AM  
Blogger greyguitar said...

Sure does relieve the burden of being special.

"Perfectly unexceptional, perfect just as you are." --makes it sound like you are special though.

4:45 PM  
Blogger Charlie Loudowl said...

I reject Herr Muller's opinions based on the fact that he has carelessly propelled himself above ordinariness through the very act of writing this inspiring, and better than ordinary, even extraordinary, essay.

Really, though, I thought it was very good - thanks for sharing!

7:49 PM  
Blogger Noir Muse said...

Latigo - don't worry, this exercise doesn't apply to you. Continue your quest for the beautiful Starbucks barista.

Rob - I see what you are saying; in a way, I really am special. I always knew it.

Yep, this is the essay I mentioned and have been so tardy in delivering. So glad you liked it Trite

11:15 AM  
Blogger Dave Morris said...

I fear I am still in the category of being afraid of being ordinary. I AM fairly ordinary, but I cannot be satisfied being comfortable with that.

I fear that didn't make any sense at all. Hmmm.

11:22 PM  

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