Friday, November 12, 2004

Here again

It’s been a while and, as cl puts it, I think I’ll blame it on the depressing election.

The election was depressing, but I also found it cathartic in a way. There was all the build up; the debates, the forwards, the yard signs, the bumper stickers. It’s enough to give anyone hypertension. Honestly, there is a part of me who is glad it’s over. All that's left to do now is bend over and watch the retarded cowboy mess with our lives for four more years.

I recall the same feeling of catharsis when the troops moved into Iraq.

For weeks before we attacked them, I listened to NPR all day, checked the BBC religiously, debated with some friends and family members. I went downtown to chat up the protesters. I was upset. I felt we were wrong. I felt like there was ultimately, very little I could do. And as our troops held there on the border of Iraq, I think the nation's stress level peeked. And then - Bush finally gave the command (from so far away) the knot in my stomach loosened. God help me, it loosened.

It’s really amazing when we step back and look at the situation. We are a fundamentalist Christian country at war with a fundamentalist Islamic country. And we’re supposed to be freeing these people? What the fuck?

Tell me please, Mr. President, how many more times durring this administration will I have to endure catharsis.


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